12 People Whose Hobbies Defy All Expectations

Hobbies are often a picture of who we are, offering an eye about our passions and interests. But now, in this collection of short stories, we’ll encounter noticeble people whose unique pastimes are different and challenge expectations. These true stories reveal how hobbies can inspire, surprise, and even change how we view the world from surprising skills to unusual pursuits.

Story 1:

My husband became quiet ever since he started his new “hobby.” Every time I asked him about it, he’d only say it was “liberating.” I started noticing red stains on his underwear whenever he returned from the workshop. One day, I followed him.

I entered and froze when I saw him being by surrounded 12 others standing in a circle around him. At the count of three, he started running while they hurled tiny bags of paint at him. He sprinted as fast as he could, trying to avoid being hit. Chills ran all over my body—I couldn’t understand what I was seeing.

Then, another “player” took his turn, running as the group chased after him, throwing paint. It was chaotic and surreal. When the session ended, I confronted my husband. He explained that it was a new group therapy his therapist had recommended—a mix of physical activity and stress relief.

He admitted it was working for him. He felt lighter and freer after every session, but he was being too embarrassed to tell me, afraid I’d think he was crazy. I smiled and reassured him that I loved him no matter what, even if I did find it a bit bizarre. But, honestly, as strange as it seemed, if it helped him, that was all that mattered.

Story 2: 

Image for illustrative purpose only.

I build virtual houses in The Sims to post on the gallery. I think I’m up to around 8,000 downloads (which isn’t that much, but… yeah, I post often).

On days off, when no one’s around, I might post five builds in a day. I just find it super relaxing. I like to flesh everything out with little knick-knacks so it looks like real people live there. So yeah, I’m an adult who plays dollhouse. What about it? © PersistentHobbler / Reddit

Story 3: 

Story 4: 

Image for illustrative purpose only.

I watch a lot of extraction videos on YouTube. Everyone knows about pimple extractions, but what about mango worm extractions? Ingrown toenail extractions? Earwax extractions? Rocks being removed from horse hooves? Ingrown hair extractions?

I just enjoy seeing things being taken out of other things. It’s like, “Ah yes, this creature has benefitted. Good has been done here.” Not even my husband knows, and I do not plan on telling him. © PersistentHobbler / Reddit

Story 5: 

Story 6: 

Sometimes when I’m bored, I will Google bars and restaurants in other countries, look at their menu, and try to decide what I would get to eat or drink if I was there. It helps me pass the time, and who knows, maybe one day I’ll be able to eat at one of these places. © -eDgAR- / Reddit

Story 7:

I design new types of pasta. It’s fun to think of all the elements—shape, ingredients, texture, etc.—and how you can innovate upon them to create something completely new. I’ve always loved sculpture, but this is even better because it’s pasta, and I get to eat it. © Not_ya_wife / Reddit

Story 8: 

Image for illustrative purpose only.

When I’m on a train, bus, or tube, I find myself imagining what it would be like to be stuck with those people in a post-apocalyptic survival group. Who would be useful? Who would be a hindrance? What would my social standing in the group be? Which women would I try to flirt with?

I find this works best on forms of public transport with multiple stops. It allows me to judge the stations based on who gets on and off. Has the group improved or degraded? © JackHood / Reddit

Story 9: 

Story 10:

I’m a mom nearing 50, and I really enjoy playing Fortnite. Maybe that’s not so weird, but in my social circles, hardly any women play video games—let alone one that’s popular with kids the same age as my own. © WasabiChickpea / Reddit

Story 11: 

Image for illustrative purpose only.

When I’m in a line at a grocery store or somewhere similar, I listen for the cashier’s ’go-to’ phrase. It’s usually something like “Have a nice day,” “Have a good one,” or “Take it easy.” Most cashiers say the same thing to each person, so it’s easy to pick up on.
After my transaction is over, and they’re handing me my receipt, I say their phrase just a moment before they can. It gets really awkward.
“Have a nice day!”
“Have a…you too.” ©whyareallmynamestake / Reddit

Story 12: 

I record myself reading books aloud, like Berenstain Bears chapter books, Choose Your Own AdventureGoosebumps, and more. I do the voices, edit out mistakes, and sometimes add music or sound effects. Then I listen to those recordings while doing household tasks or, especially, when I can’t sleep. Hearing my own voice reading helps me doze off like you wouldn’t believe.

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